The League of Darkness


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The Gerbils

The most influencial of the divisions, The Gerbils are responsible for the handling of SAJV at the SCI-FI/LOD headquarters. Past successes include cutting important scenes, shoving SAJV into the Time Slot of Death, letting the commercials run long, and forming huge plot holes in each episode with a combination of manuvers. There are some requirements, since this *is* the most important division.

1. You must be under four feet tall

2. You must wear a pair of glasses at LEAST two inches thick, with a taped nose-piece

And Finally...

3. You must have to stay up late every night so that you can glimpse a few minutes of Bay Watch after your parents have already gone to sleep

Current Members:

Gerbil - #192 - Head Gerbil

Biowar - #56 - Provider of large plants to obscure the filming of 'the Foggs'

Crypto - #57 - In charge of removing every other script page

Hacker - #58 - Changes the hue/brightness/tint of broadcast images at random; also converts timestamps from US standard form to European

Sarcasm - #59 - Dubbing master

Subpolar - #60 - Inserts snow into every possible shot

HandyMan - #61 - Prop remover and midnight furniture re-arranger

WalksOnWater - #46 - Responsible for acts of god and other unnatural disasters

Lutefisk - #62 - Chief replacer of previews with obnoxious commercials and squisher of credits; also responsible for running same spot 3 or more times per commercial break

Logan - #55 - Last-minute schedule-changer and keeper of handy-dandy state-of-the-art program-slot chooser (also known as a dart board)